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1. I am submitting our Team Player Profiles for one of your partner tournaments. I am not sure who the "Primary Contact" should be. Is this the primary contact for the individual player or for the team in general?
The Primary Contact is the name of the person on the team that the college coaches should contact for player information. Some teams have a Manager, a Head Coach AND a Recruiting Specialist, while on some teams the Manager or Head Coach does it all. If you only have one person who does everything, you only need to list them the one time under whatever their "title" is. But if you have a Manager and Head Coach, and your Manager is the one who talks to the college coaches, put that person's name and information as the Primary Contact.
2. Do I need to repeat the Manager, Head Coach, and Primary Contact information over and over for each player? It is time consuming.
No, you do not need to repeat it over and over. Just make sure that it is filled in for at least one of the players and we will duplicate it over for you. Then you can just tab through those fields.
3. Do I need to change the Next Tournament field after each tournament? If I don't, will our team be left out of the showcase book?
No, to both. The Next Tournament field does not impact whether you are in a certain showcase book or not. It really is just an extra field to highlight your next tournament. You do not have to change it unless you have nothing better to do than to come in after you finish a tournament and change it to the next one you are attending. But if you are attending another FPHQ Partner Tournament and you did NOT change the Next Tournament field, your team WILL still be in the showcase book. We do not key off that field to pull data. We pull team data based on your username. The tournament tells us what teams are in their tournament and we pull those teams in. Any player attached to your username will be pulled in to the showcase book. (See question #4 below about categories).
4. Should we select more than one category?
Yes, but it is not required, only highly suggested. When you first enter your team profiles, you should select your team name as your primary category. You look under your state and age group and find your team name. But after submitting all of your proifiles, it is beneficial for your players if you can make sure that all of your showcase tournaments are selected as a separate category. Once your schedule is set, go in and select all of the different showcase tournaments in the category field for each player...especially if the tournament is not partnered with FPHQ. Then you will know that your players will show up under those tournaments in the team database display that the college coaches view. The categories are really the best field to keep accurate. You want your players under as many correct categories as possible so the college coaches will see them under all of the appropriate categories and know exactly where to find them.
5. How long does our information stay in the database? Can we edit it next year?
Yes, you can edit your data at any time. And your players will stay active in the database until you remove them, or until they are two years past their high school graduation. We keep them active for 2 years after high school graduation in case they are attending a 2-year NJCAA school, and might want to attend a 4-year school. Once they are 2 years past their high school graduation, we will delete them from the system.
6. I get an error message saying that "The Listing Name is already in Use". What does that mean?
When our programmers set up our system, they programmed it to check for duplicate listing names, thinking that players would only be on one team at a time. So this field checks for duplicate names. However in reality, players can be on different teams, or in the system more than once, or there could even be 2 "Susie Smith's" in the world. But since our system currently runs that check, you will get that error message if it finds a duplicate name. So if you get that error message, we suggest that you put some character, like a period ".", at the end of the player's name on the Listing Name line. That will "trick" the system into thinking it is a totally different player. We will remove the character from the name when we print the showcase book.
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