need to disseminate information quickly when the weather turns sour or game schedules change.
need to let their players know that practice has been cancelled or a game has been rescheduled.
need an easy way to communicate with their players or campers.
FPAlerts via eAlert offers an effective solution for notifying everyone and anyone who has text messaging on their cell phone or an email address. Let players and coaches know right away about cancellations, delays, and postponements. Use it for every day communications too!
Fastpitch Headquarters highly encourages our members to get a FPAlerts messaging account. It is simple to get and simple to use!
Why Should You Use FPAlerts?
Instead of making phone calls to your teams or players or coaches, or making them contact you, with a simple posting of an alert on your FPAlerts account, you can send text messages and emails to everyone who has signed up for the service...within minutes everyone knows about the delays or cancellations. You can even use it for your normal's not just for emergency or alert notifications.
What Should You Do?
It is simple. Become a member of Fastpitch Headquarters and then set up your FPHQ eAlert account. Then, before your tournament or event, or at the beginning of your season, have all of your teams or players and parents register their cell phone numbers and email addresses. Have everyone subscribe to your account, and then they all will be notified when you need to get information to them. No more phone trees!
You can set up your account from your Member Area. Join FPHQ Now!! Membership is FREE!
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Attending an Event that Uses FPAlert?
If you are attending an event that is using the FPAlert service, everyone should register their email addresses and their cell phone numbers in order to receive text/email communications during the event. If at a tournament, we highly encourage all teams to have their players and their parents register for this service too as it will facilitate quick communications. Sign-up for FREE!
To sign up:
Go to and click on "Subscribe". You will see the event you are attending listed under the event name. Select that group and then input your email address and your cell phone number as an email address. If you have more than 2 addresses, you will need to subscribe additional times. You can register as many email addresses and cell phone numbers as you want.
Cell phone numbers MUST be entered as an email address. There is a link to instructions on the page on how to convert your cell phone number to an email address. This is really easy to do. Make sure that you do not put the "dash" between numbers.
Once you register an address, you will receive a confirmation message that you MUST reply to in order to activate your address. If you do not receive the confirmation message within a few minutes, you did not enter your address properly so try again.
Then during the event, if any FPalert messages are sent, you will receive them.
Note: While there is no charge to sign up for this service, your cell provider might charge for text messages received. Check with your cell provider.
If you have any problems or questions, please contact Patti Shotwell at 954-540-7850.